
Apply for an allotment | Give up your allotment

The Allotments are situated behind the houses on the right hand side of West End in Old Costessey. The access is via a loke at the side of the last house, where there is a red, dog waste bin.

Limited parking is available in the loke. The allotments are gated and not open to the public but the loke or bridleway is, as are the woodlands at the end of the loke.
Prospective allotment holders would be allowed access for viewing only.

Allotments are rented out on a year-by-year basis, and, all things being well your tenancy will be for as long as you pay the yearly rent on time and keep the allotment in good condition. The usual tenancy runs from October through to September the next year, though we will change that if a plot becomes available within that time.

Allotments are hard work, be warned! They need enthusiasm, time, hard work and money, but the rewards and satisfaction of growing your own is immense. Some of our tenants have the most wonderful plots which they have built up over the years.

The Charity does insist that the plots are tended and used. If your plot falls into disuse or starts to be overgrown or badly looked after we will ask why. Regular checks are made to ensure that allotments are up to standard.

If you are new to allotments, or feel that you could not take on a full plot, we do have some half plots available from time to time.

Prices 2020-2021   £35 for a full plot   £20 for a half plot.

Applicants should note that there is an approximately 5 to 7 year waiting list.

Allotment Pic 1

It is likely that fees will rise slightly each year. We have a policy of working to improve the allotment areas and much of the fees go towards this.

Some of our income goes towards charitable causes in Costessey. The trustees of the Charity take no fees or expenses. The only operating expenses are for paper and postage at renewal time.

A draft copy of an agreement is available on request.

Apply for an allotment | Give up your allotment